Reviving this blog

Reviving this blog

My last post was 5 years ago. 5 YEARS!!!! It’s almost impossible to even comprehend that that much time has gone.  However, I have decided that I want to revive this blog. Looking back at some of my old posts reminds me of our dreams. Our dreams to live more sustainably, to one day have…

Spring already?

Spring already?

I can hardly believe my last post was around this time last year. I was determined to blog more often and, well obviously, that did not happen. I have decided that I will continue to blog as and when I feel like posting something. Could be once a week, or even once a year, but…

Happy Spring

Happy Spring

I was meant to write this post on Monday, Spring Day, 1 September, but I got side tracked and time ran away. So HAPPY SPRING to everyone in the Southern Hemisphere. Although I love the cooler weather, I am really looking forward to the hot summer days ahead (ask me again in 3 months and…

Baby quails
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Baby quails

Some months back we got six jumbo quails. Five females and a male. We also got a secondhand incubator. We now have about 30 productive adults. We should of had many more but we had a problem with our cages not being very secure and a rat that was stealing our babies. But both those…



Spring is a lovely season, my second favourite after autumn. But it does bring with it a few things that I would rather do without… flies, mosquitoes, other insects that munch my veggies, strong wind and FROGS!Don’t get me wrong, I am a nature lover. A few frogs in the garden would be awesome, but…



HAPPY SPRING DAY! Today is the first day of spring here in the southern hemisphere. Its been a chilly few days with a cold front passing through, but today was gorgeous. It was still a bit cool in the shade, but is was a perfectly clear day and the sun was warm and pleasant, a…