

Spring is a lovely season, my second favourite after autumn. But it does bring with it a few things that I would rather do without… flies, mosquitoes, other insects that munch my veggies, strong wind and FROGS!Don’t get me wrong, I am a nature lover. A few frogs in the garden would be awesome, but…



HAPPY SPRING DAY! Today is the first day of spring here in the southern hemisphere. Its been a chilly few days with a cold front passing through, but today was gorgeous. It was still a bit cool in the shade, but is was a perfectly clear day and the sun was warm and pleasant, a…


October Garden

Last weekend we had a family picnic at the Durban botanical gardens. They have the most amazing permaculture garden, and even though it was locked, we could walk around the fence line and get a great view of it. I was so inspired! Unfortunately I didn’t have my camera with me but I will take…