October Garden
Last weekend we had a family picnic at the Durban botanical gardens. They have the most amazing permaculture garden, and even though it was locked, we could walk around the fence line and get a great view of it. I was so inspired! Unfortunately I didn’t have my camera with me but I will take it along next time.
But back at home this is what is going on in the garden…
The nasturtiums are beautiful in full flower
One of the many brinjal plants
The chard bed is very full, there is also a few beetroot still in here.
Cayenne chillies that self seeded from last season
Lots of basil, also self seeded
The corn I planted over the weekend is just starting to peek out of the ground
A cucumber vine climbing up an old security gate
Last of the brassicas, hoping I can get these out the ground soon as the summer bugs have stared to hit them pretty hard. They are just not quite ready yet, I think I put them in the ground a bit too late over the winter season.
Lettuce gone to flower, but I will leave them in and collect some seeds.
The office garden looking pretty good. The middle bed that looks empty is were the corn has been sowed.
I still have quite a bit that I would like to get into the garden, and the days just seem to be flying by. It’s hard to believe we are already into the second month of spring. I better get busy!
Really! Going to the Botanical Gardens without your camera! 🙂 Your veggies are looking really good. Planted cauliflower which ended up with very loose heads – need to figure out what was wrong and try and improve next time.
I know, no excuse. But I live really close so will go back soon.
I have not yet grown cauliflower so have no idea what could have gone wrong. But we learn as we go 🙂