Our very first veggie bed

This is a photo of my only garden bed about a month ago. At this moment in time it is looking quite sad for itself, and to tell you the truth, not much has changed here besides some clearing and a little bit of planting. I have been a bit more focused on the other areas, but plan to sort this bed out very soon.
Don’t be confused by the palm in the middle of the bed, its only there because we didn’t have the heart to take it out (today I was told that it is worth over R1000!!!). But the leaves do provide a bit of much needed shade on those very hot summer days.
The bed is actually too wide and it cannot be worked without walking all over it, so one of my plans is to put in pathways. 
Over summer I didn’t plan at all before planting this bed and the only thing I was able to harvest were brinjals and tons of chillies, and my family isn’t too fond of either.Below is one of those brinjals.

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  1. Yes they are the same. My family don't like them very much either, but my gran (who is french) makes the most amazing pickles using them. They are also nice in Moussaka (layered mince meat and eggplant)

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