Mid-winter garden
Its quite amazing how quickly a garden grows. I didn’t realise how much growth we have had over the past few weeks until I looked back at an older post and saw the pictures.
So here’s what the garden is doing at the moment:
Chard and beetroot doing really well
Broad beans have finally set, I was starting to get worried as I have had so many flowers but no beans. Can’t wait to try my first broad bean
Pea’s are doing well, but I don’t think I have enough to make a meal with them, they are more just a garden snack. I will have to remember this for next year, as well as where they are growing the best
The bush beans have also started to produce, and I think I have enough to use them in the kitchen.
Our lettuce tires are doing so well and we don’t have any shortage of lettuce at the moment.
The brassicas in the bath are coming on nicely. I’m actually not even sure what I have here as I got my cabbage, broccoli and kohlrabi seedlings all mixed up. So its going to be a surprise.
I have 2 tires like this with celery, and they are doing pretty well so far
My zucchinis have a bad case of powdery mildew, I have tried a few things on them but still no luck. If I am having this much trouble in winter, I would hate to think how bad it will be in summer.
We have lots of strawberry flowers and my eldest son is anxiously waiting his first fresh strawberry, his favorite fruit.
Potato’s got a bit wind struck but managed to survive and are just starting to get flower buds.
The tom thumb peas are in full fruit, also not enough to cook with, but so sweet and perfect for a nibble when out in the garden
Cucumbers coming along, with one baby fruit right in the back
More unknown brassicas, then celery and carrots at the back.
Taking these pictures make me realise how much we actually have growing even though we don’t seem to be harvesting much at the moment. Just a little bit longer and I’m sure we will be bringing lots of food to the table!
Wow you can grow beans now? Not us down in the Cape! Love what you have shared, isn't it an exciting journey.
It seems almost anything grows here year round, I even have some self sown chillies and tomatoes. Its actually mid-summer where I battle the most. A very exciting journey indeed!
Looks like you've for loads growing. I like your pebbles. I've been looking for something like that on my paths around the veggies. Although I really want to be able to walk barefoot.
I am just starting to notice how much I have here. And it is growing so fast, I went out this morning and those beans are almost ready to pick. The pebbles are pretty, but you are right, they are not easy on the feet.